Comments for Avoid the Image 8.25 Elliptical Trainer

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Image 8.25 Elliptical Trainer - Very Poorly Made
by: Anonymous

I wish I would have read reviews for the Image 8.25 elliptical trainer. It is definetly not for people who use alot of "road miles." The only reason mine lasted eight months was because I was training for a mini-marathon and I had to use it twice a week on my cross training days. Once winter came around and I began using it about four times a week for about two months, the metal clap holding the machine together busted. The whole machine fell completely apart. I had a friend try to weld it back together and no such luck. Now it is in four pieces sitting in my garage. I would not recommend the Image 8.25 to anyone who plans on using it more that twice a week. It is very poorly made. Save up your money and buy an elliptical trainer that will last!

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