The award-winning Cybex Arc Trainer 610A is a total body conditioning machine that provides a low-impact, highly effective workout without putting strain on your joints.
The console has a 15" x 7" dot matrix LED display to show distance, time, calories burned, calories/hour, resistance, heart rate, METs, watts, strides per minute, and more. The pre-defined programs include a manual setting plus hill interval, weight loss, cardio, and strength. The programs have 10 levels each for control of resistance and incline.
The specs of the Cybex Arc Trainer 610A are:
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The Cybex Arc Trainer 610A features Same Side Forward (SSF) technology that coordinates the movements of the upper and lower body. Not only does the user stay in a more upright position at any incline level, the SSF motion puts both the arms and legs forward on the same side to achieve a better workout.
Next, the unique 24" striding arc motion engages the quad and glute muscles properly without putting strain on the knees, hips, and back.
Other features include a sturdy 370-pound base, smooth ECB resistance system, plenty of programs, a 400-lb user weight limit, and contact and Polar wireless heart rate monitoring.
The variable incline levels allow the Cybex 610A Arc Trainer to have three training modes: glide, stride, or climb. The lowest level feels like the glide of a cross country ski machine, the mid-level is comparable somewhat to an elliptical stride, and the highest incline feels more like a stairclimber.
Along with up to 900 watts of resistance, this combination of inclines, the upper body workout arms, arc foot pattern, and SSF motion make the arc trainer one of the most effective calorie-burning cardio machines in the world.
For the out-of-shape individual as well as pro athletes, the Cybex Arc Trainer is a perfect trainer for endurance, cardio, and conditioning workouts.
Reviews on all versions of the Arc Trainer are generally positive, which is why the Cybex 610A won awards as the best new cardio product in 2004 and 2005. It has a lower Perceived Rate of Exertion (PRE) than an elliptical trainer, plus it burns more calories, provides for correct posture, and improves lower body power.
The comfortable ride of this Arc Trainer just might make you want to switch from the traditional style of ellipticals. Reconditioned and priced at around $3,200, the Cybex Arc Trainer 610A rates a Good Buy.
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8 Features to Compare
Brake Systems
Stride Length
Front vs. Rear Drive
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