by Bob
(Cartersville, GA, USA)
Just wanted to add my two cents to your review of the Image 8.25 elliptical trainer.
I have owned this one for two and a half years and am having to throw it away now because the metal flywheel has broken. This is the third time this machine has broken down but I was able to fix it at my expense the first two times.
The first breakage occured TEN DAYS AFTER the warranty EXPIRED!(90 days) It was the axle that broke in half. A part I never would have expected to break. I and my wife are the only ones using this machine and I weigh 210 lbs, she weighs 110 lbs. This machine has a weight limit of 250 lbs, so you can't say it's because we weighed too much.
This time the metal flywheel part that broke will cost too much to replace so I will look for a better brand of product this time around.
As far as the other aspects of this website's review of the Image 8.25, I have to agree with them on all points.
I never have liked the forward angle of the handles that force you to lean forward uncomfortably, and this Image elliptical trainer has always has been a little bit on the wobbly side for me (not so much for my much smaller wife, of course). I put up with these simply because of the low price tag. I got this from WalMart. I should have known!
Anyway, do avoid the Image 8.25 elliptical trainer and go for something more reputable. Pay the extra money for your health (and peace of mind)!
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by Michael Madajewski
(New Iberia, Louisiana)
Purchased on 2/6/07 from Wal-Mart
The Image 8.25 elliptical trainer's crank or pin on which the entire rotating assembly mounts sheared on 5/19/07, 12 days past the 90 day warranty.
To their credit, Icon Fitness shipped me a replacement part even though the warranty had expired. This was a good thing.
However, there were other problems with the Image 8.25, particularly with the quality of the welds on the frame, as well as the quality of the steel used for the frame.
I experienced cracks and ductile failure on welds at the junction of the lower portion of the elliptical trainer's frame and the upright, the right crank arm, and then the right side of the portion of the frame that supports the crank arms.
I had these repaired by a local welding shop as they occurred. Shortly after the third repair, I encountered another weld failure on the only part of the frame that hadn't been reinforced by a proper weld.
It must be noted that the welds on the Image 8.25 didn't encompass all points where there was contact between adjacent pieces of the frame, nor were they of sufficient strength and thickness.
The rated capacity of this Image elliptical machine is 250 lbs, and I weigh 225 lbs. However, I was able to cause the unit to fail repeatedly despite weighing less than the rated capacity.
The machine was smooth in operation when not in need of frame repairs. I wouldn't recommend the Image 8.25 elliptical trainer for a serious user that is of any size, unless they are handy with a MIG welder & have adequate mechanical skills.
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by Anonymous
I am very pleased with the Image 8.25 elliptical. It specifically states if you weigh more than 250 pounds it's not for you. I am a small adult woman who enjoys keeping my body tight.
This piece of equipment works better, in my opinion, than the high priced equipment I use in the gym at work. I can feel the tension settings much better than I can on the high priced equipment.
For the money the Image 8.25 elliptical trainer is phenomenal. I've owned mine for almost 3 years.
Editor's Note: Well, okay, this is one woman's opinion. The fact is, buyers have been asking for a refund on this trainer at record rates. Read our review on the Image 8.25 before you spend your money on this one.
UPDATE: March Elliptical Sales are going strong!
Under $500
$500 - $1000
$1000 - $2000
$2000 - $3000
$3000 - $4000+
8 Features to Compare
Brake Systems
Stride Length
Front vs. Rear Drive
Here is your chance to rant or rave about the elliptical you use at home or at the fitness center.