by Jamie Davis
(Lee's Summit, MO, USA)
A great elliptical trainer, well made. I purchased the Livestrong LS8.0E for my daughter and myself to use. I am out of shape but she is not.
I ordered directly from Livestrong and it arrived at my door in 4 days with free shipping. Since I know I am a little girlie I labeled all the parts before getting started and read the instructions.
There were 8 steps and it did take some time to assemble but all parts and tools were included to put the machine together. The bolts and screws come separate for each step; very cool.
I have been working out each day and going longer and longer and my daughter gets on and makes it look easy. The Livestrong LS8.0E is a great elliptical trainer for anyone who wants to work out.
by Lynn
(Salem, Alabama, USA)
We tested several (15-20) ellipticals at Dick's and Academy Sports before we decided to purchase the Livestrong LS10.0E. Price wasn’t a big issue, but comfort, quality and features were.
We narrowed the selection down to a Proform priced at $999, the Sole ellipticals ranging from $999-$1299 (depending on features). Power incline was a requirement, so this knocked out a lot of competition.
The Soles (3 different ones) we tested were no comparison in comfort whatsoever. The "leaning forward" feel on all of the Sole's was the deciding factor of why we ruled these out. That made for a very uncomfortable feel, and would undoubtedly cause strain. It was VERY obvious.
The quality seemed to be good, and it seemed to run smoothly, and quite similar to the Livestrong LS10.0E. But the leaning/falling forward feel simply could not be overlooked.
The Proform had a smooth ride as well, but didn’t seem to have the quality, sturdy build. The grips on the handles were not as comfortable as the others, and the fan left a lot to be desired.
Overall, the deciding factor in ruling this one out was it had a bit of a "cheaper" feel to it. And, it was larger and higher up from the ground.
Now, for the Livestrong LS10.0E. Comfort from the get go. I found myself scratching my head at the difference in it and the competition.
Quite honestly, there wasn't one of the ones I tried that could compare. This machine is so sturdy. The design is just what they claim, "built around the user", and it shows.
Stepping onto the machine felt really comfortable, because you didn't feel as though you were overpowered by some huge machine with everything stretched out so far apart. It simply felt "right". Very smooth ride, not shaky or unsteady in the slightest.
The fan was rockin’! And believe it or not, that was a big plus for me. You will notice a huge difference in the fan on this one, and other machines. It blows strong and is angled perfectly.
The speakers...well, comparison to the others. Not a major factor, but a nice plus. It added one more check to my "love it" list.
The display took a few minutes to figure out, but once you get the hang of it - it just "clicks", easy enough. I would have liked to see the adjustable incline/resistance buttons on the handles, as with the others, but I'm use to the gym machines not having that, so it works.
And considering the quality, feel and everything else that stood out on this machine - I'd trade the handle buttons quickly, for every thing else that stood out.
The Livestrong LS10.0E elliptical trainer is built with the quality of a commercial machine, but with more comfort, and even better features. Absolutely love it!
Comments for Livestrong LS10.0E Elliptical User Review
by David Underwood
(Fairview, WV, USA)
I purchased the Livestrong LS10.0E in November of 2011. My wife had been encouraging me to get something for home use but I was hesitant. I didn't want to purchase a $1000 coat rack.
Of course I was faithful in getting on the machine immediately after installation. (I paid to have it delivered and put together and I'm glad I did. Like most machines it is heavy and I would have had a difficult time getting into the room in which I wanted it.)
I started out with 10 minute workouts 3 days a week. To my amazement it did not become a $1000 coat rack. After a couple of months, I had increased my time to 40 minutes, 3 to 4 days a week. I quickly lost about 15 pounds but most important, I have lost 4 inches in my waist and am feeling much better.
I was concerned since I have asthma and was concerned about breathing. This has not been a severe problem since I try to keep the pace down.
The elliptical is comfortable to use. I especially like it since there is no impact on the body. I set the machine up in the room with the TV which makes the exercise time seem much shorter.
I highly recommend this machine. Although it may appear a bit pricey, considering its quality for the price it is a great buy.
It's now August, I've had the Livestrong LS10.0E for 10 1/2 months and I have had no problems with it.
by Reinhard Dämon
(Graz, Austria)
I have used the Livestrong LS12.9E elliptical trainer for about 3 months now. It is still fun (and healthy) to do workouts on it, but there are also some minus points:
Have you ever wondered, how to calculate the calories burned?
Did it catch your eye that the Watts do not increase when you raise the inclination?
Multiply the distance by 100 and compare the result to the calories burned.
The speed value makes big steps (around 0.8 km/h) - this is quite unuseable. The same with the Watt value displayed. A second sensor element could improve this a lot, or is it just the firmware that is weak?
The heartrate (measured by the chest strap) is wrong for some seconds, when you alter particular settings.
Missing: calories per minute, metabolic unit
Displaying the values is poor at all. Whoever has experience in doing workout on cross trainers knows that you define goals, like "I want to excercise for 40 minutes" or "I want to burn 500 kcal" or "I want to excercise at constant rpm's" and the mental component is very important to reach the goals.
Therefore some of the values must steadily be displayed.
The stupid switching between 2 levels destroys the constant displaying of the most important values. (One key already starts to make trouble.)
It is a pity, most of the above mentioned drawbacks could be solved with a better firmware.
The manual is not the best. Do you know how to set the date and time? (I do by now).
The mechanical elements seem to be good, except the known problem that the pedals can disengage (this happened to me once, when I made two impetuous steps). Sometimes there is also some clicking noise, emerging from the pedals.
The motor driven setting of the inclination was most important for me.
by Steven, John
(Cedar Park, Texas)
Well, after four days of researching what elliptical machine to invest in we finally decided on the Livestrong LS13.0E elliptical trainer endorsed by local Austinite Lance Armstrong.
We narrowed it down to the Sole E95, Kettler Mondeo, a Smooth Fitness elliptical and the Life Fitness X1.
I read too many horror stories of people buying ellipticals from online vendors and having them shipped only to find you had to have three other people to help you lift it off the truck and then spend several hours trying to assemble it yourself.
I went to Dick's Sporting Good in North Austin, Texas and found out that they only carried "in the store" the Sole, ProForm and Livestrong brands. I tested the $1699 top-of-the-line Sole E95 and the Livestrong LS13.0E for $1295.
I was surprised to find that I didn't like the feel of the Sole and that it had 4 small plastic wheels ontop of a plastic rod whereas Livestrong had 2 plastic wheels on a more solid rail.
I liked the MaxTone™ Arch Pedals which are gel-like and make the workout feel more natural. Sole doesn't offer this.
The Livestrong console seemed easier to work with. Both brands offer 20 different workouts. What suprised me is that I went in to buy the Sole and ended up going with the Livestrong but only after I tested both of them out in the store.
I wanted to test the Smooth Fitness and the German build Kettler Mondeo but Dicks only carries those through their online store and I didn't want to buy something unless I could try it out first.
As a bonus the Livestrong LS13.0E elliptical was $400 lower in cost (23%) which helped the budget. It chose the $118 delivery and setup in my home also as I am not mechanically inclined.
Based on what I was spending for my Golds gym membership and the gas to and from the gym 3 days a week this investment will pay back in one year. I've always known you get what you pay for pretty much with everything in life and this is certainly no exception.
The Livestrong elliptical warranty is nice...5 year on parts/electronics and 2 years in home service.
However the Dick's rep kept trying to sell me an extended warranty saying that the normal warranty covers 2 years in home labor BUT NOT the trip charge.
I guess we'll find out at some point in the future.
Comments for Livestrong LS13.0E Elliptical User Review
UPDATE: March Elliptical Sales are going strong!
Under $500
$500 - $1000
$1000 - $2000
$2000 - $3000
$3000 - $4000+
8 Features to Compare
Brake Systems
Stride Length
Front vs. Rear Drive
Here is your chance to rant or rave about the elliptical you use at home or at the fitness center.